Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Traditional Archery Torrent Traditional Archery Equipment - What Equipment Did Traditional Archers Use For Protection?

Traditional Archery Equipment - What Equipment Did Traditional Archers Use for Protection? - traditional archery torrent

Historically, the European archers were known to wear leather gloves and a prosthetic arm for protection. Gloves protect the fingers against rope measures, while his forearm protected against the effects of the chain collar.

Hunters modern professional archers and similar devices. Glove or tab, cufflinks archery a minimum level of protection.


bill said...

I use a 3-finger gloves and protective arm (sleeve), I have to use a tab when I turned phrase, but now with the glove, because it is not enough to fire the wheat into my finger hold


Depends ... What do you consider a "traditional archers (the time) and the historical hunting or together?


Depends ... What do you consider a "traditional archers (the time) and the historical hunting or together?

Roy said...

Well, I SSB a shooting glove or tab, and if you depend on the hunt with a bow poundage in one arm, I Grauds

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